Barack Obama has been arrested in Hawaii and charged with espionage. Joe Biden began wearing a boot that could hide an ankle bracelet, although he claims the boot is due to an injury. CIA Director Gina Haspel has been captured and detained on charges of election fraud – and is said to be spilling the beans on Obama and Biden.
Tonight, we bring you this breaking news, and get expert analysis from Dr. James Fetzer. Leave the world you think you know behind and join us at the Dark Outpost.
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Barack Obama has been arrested in Hawaii and charged with Espionage according to an announcement by Assistant Attorney General for National Security, John C. Demers on Saturday 28 Nov.
That same day Obama’s former VP Joe Biden began wearing a boot that could hide an ankle bracelet, although he claimed the boot was due to an ankle injury. Two weeks ago CIA Director Gina Haspel was captured and detained on charges of Election Fraud – and said to be spilling the beans on Obama and Biden.
Obama, Biden and Haspel were suspected of colluding with foreign powers including the Chinese Communist Party, plus promoting the use of Election Fraud, to put the socialist leaning and compromised Biden/ Harris ticket in power, overtake the US government and establish a New World Order.
Obama’s complaint alleged that the former US President compromised US security by conspiring with a business partner and former CIA agent to give US government classified information to high up Chinese intelligence officials in the People’s Republic of China (PRC).
Biden was reported to be under house arrest for compromising US security by conspiring with a foreign power to interfere with a US Election. Although, Biden was quite upfront about his Voter Fraud on national TV, saying right before the election that he had “compiled the most extensive Voter Fraud organization in the history of politics.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGRnhBmHYN0
Biden’s son Hunter’s laptop was said to contain evidence that Biden was compromised, having accepted millions of dollars from China, the Ukraine and other countries during his years in public office, including his eight years of serving as Vice President of the US.
A Sun. 22 Nov. report showed Joe Biden stole $140 million from US Treasury and transferred it to his personal account in the Cayman Islands: https://twitter.com/MzMugzzi “Report Shows Joe Biden Stole $140 Million From US Federal Treasury & Transferred the $$ to Rosemont Seneca, Purportedly For Bank Bailouts & Then to His Personal Account in the Cayman Islands.”
Months before the Election, the Ukraine had issued a warrant on Biden for his dealings there – news which like everything else connected to the Democrat Cabal, never made it to the Left Wing Mass Media headlines.
Haspel’s, Obama’s and Biden’s alleged arrests were said connected to an extensive investigation of massive Voter Fraud issues centering around Dominion Company servers and the 2020 Presidential Election that Biden claimed to have won.
On 7 Nov, the Saturday after Elections, CIA Director Gina Haspel was captured and detained for Election Fraud. She was injured by US Spec OP’s forces that raided a Frankfurt Germany CIA server farm site. Unfortunately five US soldiers and one of the CIA mercenaries were killed in the firefight.
Haspel, evidently in Frankfurt to protect server data that would incriminate Deep State leaders such as Obama and Biden, was said to be cooperating to lessen her own sentence and revealing information about an extensive Voter Fraud scam perpetrated by Democrats in the 2020 Election.
The Military raid captured Dominion Voting servers, which were found to have swung votes from Trump to Biden from their locations in Germany, Canada and Spain. Simultaneous raids took place in Toronto (Dominion Voting System headquarters) and Barcelona Spain (another CIA Scytl server farm used in the election vote switching fraud).
Although you would never hear about it in today’s Mass Media, the connections were obviously there. George Soros was head of the Board of Directors for Dominion. Since the Nov. 3 election, a boatload of evidence has come forth around George Soros-owned, CIA-developed Dominion Voting Machines that tabulated the US Election results. The tabulation was done on easily compromised servers in Germany, Canada and Spain which were hooked up to the Internet. The Dominion programs were said to be designed to throw millions of Trump votes to Biden.
In 2002-2004 a Hammer Supercomputer Scorecard app vote switching algorithm software on Dominion machines was borrowed from the CIA to be used in Venezuelan-developed Smartmatic vote switching software by dictator Hugo Chavez and Venezuelan military officers in order to rig elections.
On Sat. morning 28 Nov. Obama’s Criminal Complaint was unsealed by Demers, U.S. Attorney for the District of Hawaii Kenji M. Price, Assistant Director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division Alan E. Kohler Jr., and Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Honolulu Field Office Eli S. Miranda.
A judge has imposed a “media blackout” in the US on news about the arrest, but Canadian outlets like Conservative Beaver and a couple of Spanish speaking newspapers were not subject to those rules and have reported on the high profile arrest.
Under direction of General Michael Flynn Mass Arrests were continuing on over 209,000 sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation since President Trump took office. On Wed. 25 Nov. Flynn began executing high level arrests overseas and was presently after pedophiles in the Netherlands – the New World Order and Council of Foreign Relations headquarters – where recently, a lot of planes have mysteriously crashed. Henry Kissinger and others have been ousted from the Council of Foreign Relations.
Military rendition flights were all over the US. It was said that hundreds of treasonous actors were being extracted, put onto flights and interrogated until they turned, with an emphasis on finding evidence of voter fraud. These Military flights were increasing in preparation for potential Antifa violence and RV release security.
For years Democratic Party and some Republican political elites apparently have been working in cooperation with the Chinese and other Communist Parties to overthrow the US government and set up a New World Order. Trump and the White Hats of the Alliance set up the 2020 Presidential Election as a Sting to catch these bad guys in treason – with intelligence gathered by “The Kraken.”
The Kraken was the nickname of the 305th Battalion Military Intelligence corps located at Fort Huachuca, AZ. It provided electronic warfare and signals intelligence (SIGINT). The 305th consisting of six companies, HHC, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta and Echo.
On Wed. morning 4 Nov. right after the Election, the Department of Defense, 305th Battalion and NSA began recording real time fraud evidence of vote switching from all six Battleground states (GA, PA, MI, WI, AZ, NV) in a blockchain tech ledger that was un-hackable and undelete-able. This real time digital evidence would now be used to prosecute all Deep Staters involved in Election and Voter Fraud – including Obama, Biden and Haspel.
Page 9 of Sydney Powell’s Federal Lawsuits filed in Georgia and Michigan midnight Wed. 25 Nov. 2020: “The Dominion software was accessed by agents acting on behalf of China and Iran in order to monitor and manipulate elections, including the most recent US general election in 2020.”
On Tues. 1 Nov. Lt. General McInerney Tweeted: “It is TREASON. They are trying to overturn this government.”
In addition, a George Soros clone has been arrested and is currently being held in federal custody in Philadelphia. According to a recently unsealed indictment filed in the Western District of Pennsylvania, the Soros doppelgänger has been charged with a number of serious crimes relating to the US election.
As has been reported by several news outlets, yet debunked by the Soros -owned Snopes fact-checking site, the real George Soros died in July of this year at the age of 89. His sons, Jonathan and Alexander Soros, continue to run the Soros organization, the Open Society Foundation.
Soros had been arrested in Switzerland in 2018 , accused of subverting democracy in Turkey. He was released, but was forced to shut down all operations in Turkey before fleeing the country.
Prior to his death, Soros had himself cloned in a secret facility in Europe, for the purpose of maintaining appearances to prevent any disruption of his political machinations.
Now, the doppelgänger is being held in an isolation facility, while a judge has ordered a media blackout of the events leading to his arrest.
The indictment lists only on the criminal activity Soros participated in prior to the November election, such as wire fraud, identity theft, aiding and abetting, and damage to computers.
The FBI stated that the indictment will likely be updated to reflect election interference charges in relation to Dominion Voting, once the full scale of Soros’ operations has been exposed. The Soros doppelgänger is currently being interrogated by the FBI.
The alternative news site YourNewsWire had reported the arrest on November 23rd, but since the breaking of that story it has been revealed that the individual in custody may in fact be one of the multiple doubles or clones that Soros had been employing to make public appearances on his behalf, just prior to his death.

Please note this is a developing story.
Holy shit! This is real?
Very good question.
Let’s pray to our Dear GOD it is!!!!!! Or we are doomed!!!!!
AMEN! It would be the very best news I’ve ever heard in all my 70+ years of life!!!!!
Me too Harvey and I am 75!
This country is totally fuckec
No it’s not – trust the Plan
Trust the fucking plan tore my family apart today. Filling old ladies with QAnon shit. Thanks good job. Well done. Have a nice life.
Only those who do not have a personnel relationship with Jesus Christ are doomed. So if you don’t know Him as your Lord and Savior then may I suggest you don’t waste any more time.
Amen Nancy- This is not our world, heaven is our eternal home-Christ will be back to take us away to heaven! Believe: 1Corinthians 15:1-4 AMEN
Don’t bring Jesus into our crooked politics. It will take more then Praying to get this mess straighten out
Your correct, that’s what God is waiting on, but sheeples will be and there will be some that stay a sheeple forever, so sad and to think God blessed us and the people not praying and keeping there faith in him are to be frank are pains in the back side of our wonderful America. God blessed America
Idk, but I looked up that document on the end of Soros and it seems to be fake. Rather than Soros it is a Russian name and everything else is the same.
Soro was an Hungarian Jew that turned Jews in to the gestapo in WWII. The name is Hungarian.
moron he was 14 when the war ended
Yes, George Soros was a teenager during world war 2 helped remove property from the jewish people….Moron
John, Soros was to befriend Jews and find hidden Jews. The Jews Trusted him.. Soros would find where the Jews were hiding. Then leave to tell his uncle who was a Nazi where they where. They both got to keep much of the located Jews Diamonds Rubys jewelry and possessions! I watched Soros brag about how much he loved it. He said on the TV ? he would love ? to do it again!
You don’t think children suffered the same as their adult counterparts if they didnt turn over the Jews to the Fürher’s demands? Of course he sold his people out, he’s the devil. And yes, that’s a Hunagarian name. Check out how he stole Billions from the UK before coming to the US.
He’s not a moron he’s been told it wrong, shit the cabal has lied to us about everything, so calling him a moron isn’t right.
There is no way a person can become another race the Hebrews/Jews (which that a derivative of JUDAH) was the so-called negro. PLEASE I BEGG YOU DO THE RESEARCH
the verse say they were called Niger which means black
Exactly. the word comes from Latin, which means – black skin .
Thank you Rick….over 75 million Americans agree.
Come on, this didn’t happen. I wish it did but really? Disinfo
Amen to that and our military the brave many have lost there lives in all this, I thank them from the bottom of my heart.Yes it is, also a disgrace to America and humanity
I think that is the clone? They are talking about.
Soros is from a Hungarian-Jewish family. The Media’s CEOs, including Disney, Facebook, and major films companies are run by Jewish people. Google is owned by a Russian communist(Surgey), and is in bed with China. Google sensors it’s data at China’s Request. Biden is CEO of ford foundation, I read, and they funded Antifa and BLM rioting, even at the Capital.
Obama is on tv… Could be true, could be false. Wel see. I can tell you This.
Who are they?
What power do they have?
To decide for you what to think, say, believe and do?
They, grab for power, because they are powerless.
They, hold on to power for dear life.
And so shall they lose it.
Those willing to lose it, will gain it
But they do not know this.
So may god have mercy upon them, because i will show them none
Perception creates reality as we experience it:
Perception is now more than ever consciously influenced and manipulated by certain people with a certain agenda for their own gain and power.
Not in a constructive way in which people put the power of their perception on themselves, but on something or someone other than themselves.
That seems very dangerous to me. It happens in such a way that people don’t even realize it themselves. (Google. youtube. facebook)
That is destructive, hidden narcissism, psychopathy in all its glory and simply evil. I think something should be done about it.
Nothing or no one has the right to decide for me what I think, say, believe or do. That is intentionally attempted.
What happens if people in masses unconsciously accept that responsibility for their own perception and being lie with someone else?
That will move towards mass genocide. Globalist tyranny and dictatorship.
Total control. Hitler’s wet dream he hadn’t even dreamed of. How I see something determines how I experience it, how I experience things determines who I become.
As I said, nothing and no one has the right to determine for me what I think I say or do. If it does happen, it is my responsibility to do something about it, in every way possible.
Individual responsibility and freedom is the highest good.
If anyone or anything try’s to undermine that, I will have to do everything I can to preserve and defend it my personal liberty.
At all costs.
Tell Me:
If you want to tell the truth,
Start by telling the truth, that,
You do not know what the truth is
But do not tell me the truth,
For when you do
I shall know
It is not the truth
Telling the Truth:
Telling the truth is never easy, because it implys a lie, and we al do lie in some way of another. For who decides what is true?
The longer we do it however, the harder it will be without a doubt to tell the truth.
Lie wil cover lie, and youl be blinded by them.
So you better be honoust, even if your not. Especially if your not.
That Which Moves Without Moving:
It is not me who moves,
It is the Force that moves me
If it is i that moves
I move through the force
The force and i are one and the same
Constant change
The tidel wave
You who grab for power and control
Will be erased
I am
That which is
That which was
That which always Will Be
The truth cannot be deceived
It cannot be hidden
It Will be revealed
For all to see
How i am That I Am:
Now, i make the assumption that the mere fact the President actually gave such a speech at Mount Rushmore shows just how many people blindly assume and believe anything that they have been told by the mass media, education system, internet and other means of transmitting false facts and false truths delibirately designed and engineered to allianate people world wide from their inalliable rights as human beings.
The mass array of propaganda and distractions leveled at the public over the course of decades and generations has slowly seeped into the subconcious minds of the public, altering their perception and belief structure to such a degree that to many people have become allianated from their own power over their own perception and reality and that what you, me and others are seeing or not seeing is the result of a carefully and hidiously organized and highly secretive group of individuals who hold their own agenda without any regard to anything or anyone other than their own self serving impulses.
I firmly believe that the only power anyone or anything has over my perception, experience and life is the power i give it. That also includes myself. I know that i do not know and that my perception of reality is flawed most of the time if not all the time for it always is based on assumptions which are the result of previous experiences which which are no garuentee for the future and simply fall apart in the face of reality as it is instead of how i wish or want to perceive it.
This gives me the opportunity to gradually, slowly, but surely adjust my perspective and perception to the constantly changing reality as it is and develop my self as a responsible human being.
The highest good which i could conceptualize for my self is individual responsibility, or the ability to respond as opposed to merely and automatically reacting to circumstances in the way that i was thought and learned to do so.
For who am i and what is my life worth and what meaning does it hold if i am not the one who decides how to live live but am lived by it through conditioning from external circumstances and through the opinions and perspectives of others?
The only thing i ever have control over is how i choose to look at and deal with external circumstances as they happen, for the mere fact that they do happen. Who i am is the result of anything i have ever experienced, thought, acted out and said.
Who i am is not merely the result of external circumstances but a result of how i perceive them. My thoughts are the result of external circumstances and how i perceive these circumstances. My acts and then words are the result of my thoughts.
My habits the result of my acts and words, my character the result of my habits, and my Destiny the result of my character.
The perspective on this can ofcourse also be turned backwards on this. Whatever way you want to perceive it.
Ones own Perception and perspective is all what one has because the freedom and ability to perceive from a different perspective leads to individual responsibility, discipline and freedom of both mind, body and spirit.
Another part of the whole is that my experience is also partly the result of my perception. If i change my perception i change my experience and thus my thoughts, acts, words, habits, character and destiny.
Self Response Ability. Fear, stress and discease comes from ignorance and brings darkness and death. Knowledge is the light that illuminates, sets free and dispells all darkness and shadows which is nothing but the absence of light.
Just as there cannot be light without darkness there van also be no darkness and without light. Live in light and you will live in love, live in darkness and you will not. In the country where i live we say that after rain comes sunshine, but without rain you wouldnt apreciate the sun.
Consiousness is that which we experience between differences, contrast is needed in order to experience, live and be.
No up without down. Left without right, black without white. Being consiouss is transcending all differences and contrast and to experience all as one and one as all.
Denying differences and contrast leads to the exact oposite of being consiouss and experiencing life, it leads to unconsiousness and death.
Remember, the truth is not for every one. You don’t take a 6 year old into the bedroom and show him what mommy 7 DAD DO IN BED it would destroy him, he couldn’t handle it.
Is this the person I miss that asked me to hide his name in a fish?
Bless you my friend. Your words, I have no words for…and they leave nothing more to be said.
That was an amazing interpretation of being conscience. We all need to be balanced in the brain to see through the lies of reality that take control of people lives. People have been brought up to believe all these lies that institutions have told us are true. It is up to the individual to decide for themselves what they perceive to be true by researching, meditation but most of all listening to our intuition. Lastly to care about all beings in love not hate and evil.
I was all skeptical about this article but thought, ok, could be until……….”Prior to his death, Soros had himself cloned in a secret facility in Europe, for the purpose of maintaining appearances to prevent any disruption of his political machinations.”
Then i was all fucking hell!!!
Hi, why would Obama be in Hawaii, he lives in DC? What are the chances he would be in Hawaii? And Gina is the only one arrested, shot for all the voting fiasco, she must be a superwoman. Like your channel. Love is the answer.
George Soros cloned himself…how does that work? He’s 89 years old, you can’t make a clone that comes out out of the box as an 89 year old man. I’d love to believe this but it makes zero sense at all.
You can. Look at mark zuckerberg….looks a lil weird right? Clone! If they can’t find a look a like- like the current Hillary, than the person is cloned exactly the way they look. Brittany spears video shows the cloning labs. They cloned a sheep in 93. They have prob been cloning since 1945.
Hi Derek.
Peace. Have a better Day. 🙂
You’re right he’s been executed already for treason, crimes against humanity, sedition, conspiracy to overthrow the government. Do you’re own research. Obama was mk ultra early on and trained as a CIA spy before he joined senate. Where’s his Harvard credential? Check out Truth11.com it’s just one site. I don’t listen to propaganda / fake news like Reuters and I don’t rely on so-called fact checkers. Btw, did u hear congress passed a law giving them the power to take cable channels of the air? Seek the truth! It’s not a conspiracy theory if it really happened. Peace n love!
No, Derek this is NOT real! This Zublick asshole is an online huckster and conman cut from the same cloth as Bryan Hyland over at conspiracyupdate.com, another thoroughly DEBUNKED asshole who was posting looooong lists of pedophile celebrities and deep state traitors who had supposedly already been tried before military tribunals at Gitmo and EXECUTED, with the reason given for them still being around, popping up constantly and stirring up trouble was “They are Clones (sound familiar!?), CGI, Photoshopped, or old videos of them”!! This Zublick asshat is no different…out to make money off gullible idiots any way he can!
Then explain why all those named on the LIST have NO CONCERTS in 2021 OR THEY’RE ALL POSTPONED
Another GULLIBLE ASSHOLE! geeezus, DO YOU EVEN HAVE TWO BRAIN CELLS TO RUB TOGETHER??? It’s FAAAAAR easier to fool someone than to convince the idiot that (s)he has in fact BEEN fooled……….
NO, it isn’t real!
I pray it is real!
I don’t know if you remember but Michael Jackson had “clones” / look alikes so he could get out in public. This isn’t too far fetched.
That’s what I was thinking?? Almost thinking it was a wishful article….or a prediction?
No it’s not. Dead give away is the case never filed in PA or anywhere. Besides, they were all supposed to be executed and they are using CGI. Can’t arrest dead people. lmao.
I think his clone overdosed
Court cases arent always filed you know
The arrest of the clones, look alike stand-ins (Trudeau, Hillary), and cgi traitors is a gentle way of letting the people know. This person was executed like two years ago we just haven’t told anyone. I found it interesting in 1993 when they cloned a sheep. Wonder what they can do now?
Oh btw! Military tribunals are a federal crimes and take place in Guantanamo Bay aka GTMO not at the state level. If the indictment is sealed, on top of it, than it’s not easy to find. There are videos of confessions and stuff taken with analog video tape online. Kudos to those with an open mind to seek the truth!!! Very very sadly, it’s a lot worse this…brace yourselves for when the photos and videos of crimes against humanity and children is exposed….love and peace to all!
Doubt it
Lemmer the lemming!! Lmao
This is the a bunch of BS
Is this really real?
He said Soros had himself cloned….what do you think?
Human cloning is popular with these elites cabal . Look up adrenochrome!
I hope it is real.
Awesome ??
No way this is real! Yes, there is a dark web but these people are not clones!
you better believe it…honey
Has Hillary clienton been arrested, or is she even still alive.
No. None of it. Zublick and another asshole cut from the same cloth, Bryan hyland,a numbnuts Aussie POS,are making money off the desperate hopes of millions,and should both be field-dressed alive and their entrails fed to dogs.
Welcome to the great awekening!!! It is real!! The truth is slowly coming out about everything. If you want more truth- fair warning the truth is scary, check out truth11.com. You’ll think it’s nuts but a lot has been revealed. Photos of aircraft traffic of the rendition flights in and out of gitmo show at least 100 aircraft.
This is old news… zub is just repeating everyone else’s story… always felt zub is phony
I hope this is true. I’m in UK and they’re starting with the vaccine here next week.
Boris Johnson and chums are guilty of fraud,genocide and treason
Democrat’s want to do the right thing, but Christ teachings are not in it. Taking away the rule of law, not replacing it with God’s law, will result more devils filling the room, that is swept and clean. Devils say: Jesus is not here. lets occupy the room. Devils are already occupying the room, when fraud is seen as a good thing. Those devils blind the eyes of people, keeping people from seeing real danger. Islam is real danger. Everyone is worth their wag. Who says that Money needs to be that wage. The focus needs to be, doing whatever for others. Being able to obtain whatever, will be your reward. This is Satan’s world. Don’t get to involved in it. Lots wife was involved in it, a lot. That is what made her to look as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities of the plain. The sin of those cities was not any kind of sex. Lot was vexed with filthy conversation. 2 Peter 2:7 – 8.
Democrat’s want to do the right thing, but Christ teachings are not in it. Taking away the rule of law, not replacing it with God’s law, will result in more devils filling the room than there was before. Devils see a room that is swept clean: Jesus is not there. Devils, more than before, end up occupying the room. Demons are occupying that room, when fraud is seen as a good thing. Those devils blind the eyes of people, keeping people from seeing real danger. Islam is real danger. Everyone is worth their wag. Who says that Money needs to be that wage. The focus needs to be, doing whatever for others. Being able to obtain whatever, will be your reward. This is Satan’s world. Don’t get to involved in it. Lots wife was involved in it, a lot. That is what made her to look as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities of the plain. The sin of those cities was not any kind of sex. Lot was vexed with filthy conversation. 2 Peter 2:7 – 8.
Democrats will toss money around, as if it will answer everything. The debt will get greater, and greater, the more money that is in circulation. We cannot have Mosques in the USA at all. Muslims use them as a secret gauge, determining when to steal the land away from us, determined by the number of Mosques.
Yup boris is a ginner. See truth11.com under tribunals or arrests, idk you’ll find the whole nasty list.
Democrat’s want to do the right, but Christ teachings are not in it. Taking away the rule of law, not replacing it with God’s law, will result more devils filling the room that is swept and clean. Devils say: jesus is not here. lets occupy the room. Those devils blind the eyes of people, keeping people from seeing real danger. Islam is real danger. Everyone is worth their wag. Who says that Money needs to be that wage. The focus needs to be, doing whatever for others. Being able to obtain whatever, will be your reward. This is Satan’s world. Don’t get to involve3d in it. Lots wife was involv3d in it a lot. That is what made her to look as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities of the plain.
Holy shit I’m glad they got that dumb monkey Obama and the (((George Soros))) clone. Thank you for reporting teh truth! #SaveTheChildren #GayJews #BidenWon2020
You know biden is next right?? ?? you dems keep getting dumber and dumber…
Obama has not been arrested
are you keep him in a basement ????jeana
Oh my God if this was true. I would have everyone in our little Town of Trafford out on Main Street in front of our Town Hall having a block Party. I’m just sick of damn waiting on someone to do something to them. It’s gone on so long We are starting to wonder if we are the idiots and have been fooled like the Swamp people say we have & Trump lies about everything. We’ve been waiting 4 years!!!!!!!!! Truth should have come out before the election
Hi Debra. I’m with you. Apparently Trump had to wait and actually catch them all doing the fraud as Obama had pardoned the subhumans of their crimes prior to Trump taking office. To catch Hammer, Scorecard, Dominion, USPS, Prescinct vote counting supervisors et all, he had to catch them in real time. THAT has now been accomplished. Only way this could work is to rely on his 2018 Exec Order which declared a Ntl Emergency. Under that order, cyber warefare was cited as the reason for military tribunals as this fraud is now a national security issue. God, let this all occur per our constitution. Soros clone arrest etc may have implications for neutralizing Antifa, as SOROS sons control and fund them. Be well.
You are right and Trump has to walk through the legal process to not only overturn the election in the court but to keep from chaos occurring if he was to come right out.
If what your saying about Trump had to wait how come everyone got arrested and Trump has yet to say something. Trump would be in his glory to even say they got arrested. I wish this was true but I call BS. I believe their is a lot of truth in here but a lot of hopeful BS.
Yes, happy days!
I read your reply and agreed wholeheartedly. Then when I was about to reply, I realized that you are my long-time friend!?
The first 4 years were used to wake the sheeple up. Trump did that and bucket loads. He couldn’t start the arrests too early and risk now netting the whole bloody lot in this sting operation. Trump and his military team are strategists of the top order. We had to trust the plan and not weaken. Many have and we’ll regret their doubting.
Obama is DEAD. He was shot. Before he died he gave up Michelle (aka Robinson, who was a male)
Interesting. Time is running out for America.
This is unbelievable. Ian Fleming couldn’t have written a better script for a book. To bad this is in real time, & it is happening in The United States of America.
God Bless America, Lord, protect our country & protect our President, Donald J. Trump, his family & Administration.
Love it, LOCK THEM UP!!
This is amazing news. I am fascinated.
What exactly do you mean by “Soros has himself cloned”?
This probably won’t even make it to the comment section as it’s considered “HATE” speech but,
Hanging is still an option for the Military Tribunal as a Death Sentence.
I share your sentiments exactly and at first felt bad about expressing it because of course it sounds like “hate speech” but there is a difference between wanting to kill someone out of hate, lust for power, and criminality vs. wanting to kill someone out of love of country, respect of the constitution, and trying to protect ourselves, our nations future, and our children’s future. It’s the difference between wanting to murder someone, and killing someone in self-defense who is threatening you or your family. These people are traitors and enemies of our republic at the highest degree – they have stolen from us, they have attacked us. The penalty for their treason should indeed be death. Personally I would like for them to be extensively tortured first and for their confessions to be broadcast publicly, I also wouldn’t mind if they lined the reflecting pool in DC with gallows and let them all hang there among the cherry blossoms till they rot, may they all rest in hell with each other where they belong. Too harsh?
Not harsh at all. If the punishment fits the crime! It takes awhile to bring down Rome and hoping it swiftly is seen before our eyes. I think its either us or them. We can’t unite with socialists nor liberals,we can’t seem to compromise or reason with them as per our knowledge and experience with this. We just need to prepare for anything. Things are getting heated up.
That isn’t hate speech! It is what needs to happen to them all. Killery needs to be added to the list.
How do you know any of this is true and if it is why are they wasting so much time on trying to prove the election fraud.
Because if they can’t get the election fraud overturned then come December 14 it will be certifies and the electoral College will elect Joe Biden as president. Which means come naugoration day Joe Biden will be sworn in and can pardon all. Or worse Harris become president due to Joe not being able to and then pardons everyone. That is why president trump is pushing for it to be overturned.
Nor the 8th or the 14th are constitutional mandated. These are federal laws. The only important date is the 20th, before noon as per THE CONSTITUTION. Calm down and enjoy the show. EPIC.
I checked the site address a couple times to make sure it wasn’t the Babylon Bee! This stuff is very like the claims “Q” and his followers make and they’ve never been true either. But we can only hope!
Because if they can’t get the election fraud overturned then come December 14 it will be certifies and the electoral College will elect Joe Biden as president. Which means come naugoration day Joe Biden will be sworn in and can pardon all. Or worse Harris become president due to Joe not being able to and then pardons everyone. That is why president trump is pushing for it to be overturned.
For over 4 years there has been rumors of coming mass arrests. I hope this
is the part I was hoping and praying for. This is our last chance to clean house
with Trump in power. Once he leaves, all will be lost in a short time.
Thanks for sharing! Joining tonight. Waiting for the day I would start listening about the arrests after Q started reporting on it. For 4 yrs I have been sitting on the edge and praying for our President.
Quite amazing. I plan to follow these leads.
And too bad our news media are compromised & won’t give us the real news.
It’s like watching a movie- ain’t it?
I am doing my best to keep up with what you are posting and sharing it with facebook
I wouldn’t share them if I were you. It’s not true at all. Haspel was in McConnell’s office on November 10th and it was on the news so how is that if she was arrested on the 7th? In the words of the senile ole pedophile Joe Biden “Come on Man”
No use sharing with Facebook. They will censor it all and never let anyone see any of this. Trump is a very smart man and knows what he is doing LEGALLY. He has a plan and will execute it at the right time to catch them ALL.
JFK Jr will be our Vice President!
LOL , I Wish This Was True . But These Demons Will Never See Justice . Until The People Take Things Into Their Own Hands .
NOT TRUE OBAMA’S all over the tv selling his book
It was probably taped earlier
Hi I am new to your site, what I just read is incredible, why should I believe this information is reliable and accurate, is it a wish list of hopefully what one would want to happen, they say if something sounds to good to be true, it usually is. I’m a Canadian who has a vested interest of what happens south of the border, after all we are neighbors and friends,and we share the longest unprotected border on earth and we rely on each other in many ways
Wishful thinking!
I am from the Netherlands If jou have a name let me know ???
“” pedophiles in the Netherlands “”
I hope this is true. I’m in UK and they’re starting with the vaccine here next week.
Boris Johnson and chums are guilty of fraud,genocide and treason
Do not take ANY vaccines!!!
Haspel was in McConnell’s office November 10th. It was on TV for Christ sake.
I’m not sure what you a to be gained by making stories up. I can only think this site is trying to bring Trump down by getting us to believe everything is handled so we don’t need to stay vigilant and demand election transparency in every state fraud is suspected.
I’m not sure what you have to be gained by making stories up. I can only think this site is trying to bring Trump down by getting us to believe everything is handled so we don’t need to stay vigilant and demand election transparency in every state fraud is suspected.
Do you really believe cable news? They can manipulate anything.
how do you know it wasn’t pre-recorded….did they hold up a newspaper with a date on it or are you just assuming that msm is truthfull…. if so then you are an idiot
Good info reliable, thanks…. John from Holland.
Wish this was True but I highly doubt anyone got arrested. No one is getting arrested. Trump won this election. It was stolen. Until people riot and burn down all News centers and I mean all then maybe people will report the truth. Half the government is good the other half bad. If this were true Tucker Carlson would have found some of this out. It would have been reported somewhere. Hillary is not even mentioned. Bizarre?
mass arrests,etc, etc……whoever did this investigation and reporting….your ass is sucking air……when I first read this …I thought oh good , good …..Will I read another article you print…. NO NO
Your are only cutting off your nose to spite your face by not reading anymore articles! It is all true! Check out Beachbroadcast. Com on YT! Her info comes straight from the WH!!! ❤️??
This is real…Hallelujah!
They been telling this lie for years. Evil is still running lose.
Nope, false information. Obama seen golfing today in Hawaii
Again..how do you know he was live..golfing..today ? All media has to do is put up a previously recorded video and tell you its “today”..Don’t believe anything the media says.
I think Trump is a God Send for the whole NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT and that is what we are, NORTH AMERICANS. I am all for GESARA, and I do thank the brave people that have undertaken the very dangerous job of giving our North America back to the people who fought and suffered to give us what we now have..THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU…??????
Both Barry AND Big Mike were supposedly executed at Gitmo some time back, according to the asshole named Bryan Hyland, a kangaroo fucker from Abo-Land who runs the Conspiracy Daily update! 98% of HIS postings have turned out to be 100% PURE BULLSHIT-so, my question to YOU, David “I-don’t-work-a-regular-job-’cause-it’s-too-easy-conning-idiots” Zublick, is WHY THE FUSCIA-FLAVORED FUCK should we believe any of YOUR bullshit???????????????????
zulick, you’re so full of shit you don’t walk-you SLIIIIIDE!!!! HAHAHAHA!Asshole!!!!
Under NO circumstances should the electors from the fraudulent swing states be seated. Even more…Biden MUST NOT BE SEATED-EVER! Impossible to unseat. See Al Franken, MN, 2008-frauded MN. He was the final vote to pass communist healthcare known as Obamacare.
This site is funnier than the onion.
Hard to believe when clones come into it. How is that actually possible? It discredits the whole narrative and aligns it with science fiction.
I know the clone bit sounds way out there but I’m convinced the Joe Biden in the white house now,is not the real Joe Biden. Clones or doppelganger are being used. Hillary had more than one, remember when she collapsed and they threw her in the van and then later that day she came out if her daughters apt fresh as a daisy? That wasn’t the real Hillary. Also if you watch the video Trump put out right before he left the white house, there’s a essay in it.in the video the Sinatra song, I did it my way plays and at the beginning of the video it shows obama, Hillary bill vlinton, maybe biden and as soon as I saw that I knew he got them. I really believe he got them.
Trump said when campagaining fOr Georgia run off remember 230, for this reason this sounds like it is possibly true. Man this would be great news. Lets Pray ITs real. plus Sidney Powell knows a lot. She is one smart lady.
This is what we all want to hear but It’s too bad
It’s not true.
The Greatest President of All is waiting to give us all the BEST CHRISTMAS PRESNT EVER! Ive been predicting everything he would do before and during office, to my family and friends and now realize that if this is true, besides using his business knowledge, which is like having a chess players mind, that he will let us no and call it a Christmas present. NO REASON A PRESIDENT LIKE HIM WOULD BE VOTED OUT OF OFFICE AND THE FRAUD IS OBVIOUS TO A ROCK. I personally been itching for a good brawl because its been years but I would back him to my last breath. I registered and voted for the first time in my life this year. I am from L island. I dont like being controlled but to finally see something worth sticking up for and doing something that is my right, and see outright fraud and stealing is telling me to go fuck myself and know matter what I choose dont matter. I say to you “FUCK YOU WHERE U BREATH” and if u come my way ill annialate ur existing with the beating of ur short life.
Hell no this isn’t true. Obama was just in Georgia at a rally for Ossoff! You post BS like this you just lose all credibility
No it’s not. Dead give away is the case never filed in PA or anywhere. Besides, they were all supposed to be executed and they are using CGI. Can’t arrest dead people. lmao.
By his own admission, then Vice President Joe Biden used upwards of $1 billion of US government loan guarantees in a bribery coercion scheme to threaten the Ukraine president to immediately terminate the Prosecutor General who was investigating the corrupt practices of Burisma Holdings, as well as the involvement of board director Hunter Biden.
This criminal act constitutes a federal felony crime and disqualifies Biden from holding public office.
Trump Has Won By Default—Here’s why
When wholesale fraud and corruption and criminality are employed to steal the quadrennial POTUS election by one of the two major party candidates, the victor automatically becomes the other presidential nominee with the greatest number of electoral votes.
In the case of the 2020 POTUS election, the Democrat ticket of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris has been cited for carrying out the greatest election cycle crime wave via fraud and theft in U.S. history. Hence, the prematurely and illegitimately declared Biden victory is now null and void under the law.
There are a lot of contradictions, when people say free nation. Democrats will make what is, to be way worse, introducing a lot of Muslims here. We have free speech, and freedom of religon. The phrases sound nice. The web is designed to keep one mindset saying whatever on the web, in order to make people think that, that mindset, is right. censoring. That happens with Democrats, and people who talk about Biblical topics. That happens in the medical field, not teaching anyone about upper cervical specific only, chiropractic. That is not Core or ABC Chiropractic that pushes down on your upper back. It is not Gonstead or any kind that pops the neck or any joint. Upcspine, NUCCA, TheSpesific, Upper Cervical Health Centers. wait 4 -5 days after an accident, hit to the head, or fall. Someone bumping into you, when in your car, or hitting a stationary object seeming to be insignificant, can cause the top- bone to shift, too. Wait 4 – 5 days after such an insident. Don’t go the day of such an insident.
Muslims will happy plunge large butcher knife into the jugular vein, in your neck, when you think you have a great friend. The lack of guns will embolden Muslims to do what they love to do most of all, and that is kill, thinking they are being like Abraham, being like the wicked kings, who Abraham killed. Democrats need to Impeach Biden and Keep kamala Harris from talking his place.
Muslims will happy plunge a large butcher knife into the jugular vein, in your neck, when you think you have a great friend. The lack of guns will embolden Muslims to do what they love to do most of all, and that is kill, thinking they are being like Abraham, being like the wicked kings, who Abraham killed. Democrats need to Impeach Biden and Keep kamala Harris from talking his place.
No way this is real! Yes, there is a dark web but these people are not clones!
Carnt wait name and shame these evil b……. been waiting for this to happen for a while
With all this evil happening, Revelation 17 & 18 prophecies are being fulfilled in the Vatican & London banker gangsters as partners will fall soon. The Almighty Hebrew God is about to grant a World Wide Debt cancelling Jubilee in 2021, March 6 to April 25. The debt slavery of Rothschild banking system will FALL very hard. London will get NUKED, Revelation 18: 15 & 18.
Hi, why would Obama be in Hawaii, he lives in DC? What are the chances he would be in Hawaii? And Gina is the only one arrested, shot for all the voting fiasco, she must be a superwoman. Like your channel. Love is the answer.
Has Hillary clienton been arrested, or is she even still alive.
Wow, fake as hell news. And we call CNN fake news? Lol.
It’s because of the pandemic.