Was Trump Shooting Real Or Faked?

Was Trump Shooting Real Or Faked?

Senator Ron Johnson’s findings suggest a cover-up by federal entities in the alleged Trump assassination attempt, demanding transparency and accountability. Dr. James Fetzer explored the theory that Trump may have faked his own attempted assassination, […]

What Went Wrong?

What Went Wrong?

The investigation into the attempted assassination of former President Trump reveals significant security failures, with Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle accepting responsibility and forcing her resignation. Charlie Robinson explored the potential for Donald Trump to […]

Another Boeing Whistleblower Dead

Another Boeing Whistleblower Dead

Another Boeing whistleblower has died under mysterious circumstances. George Webb discussed the influence of secret societies and councils on global politics and events, suggesting that without being present at certain meetings or gatherings, it’s hard […]

It Was Not An Accident!

It Was Not An Accident!

The Baltimore bridge collapse was an ‘inside job’ by US intelligence agencies working on behalf of the global elite to destroy US critical infrastructure. Tim Ray of UI Media Network discussed his new program on […]

Kate Middleton Cancer Video Was Deep Fake!

Kate Middleton Cancer Video Was Deep Fake!

Analysis of the video posted by Kate Middleton announcing her cancer diagnosis appears to indicate it was a deep fake. Christi Tasker discussed the immigration crisis and homelessness affecting the state of Florida. Dr. Reginald […]

It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Murder!

It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Murder!

Texas police have announced that they are treating the death of Mitch McConnell’s sister-in-law Angela Chao as a potential homicide. Nate Cain discussed the border crisis and Nikki Haley’s single primary win. Victor Avila also […]

Jan Halper-Hayes: Total Collapse Imminent!

Jan Halper-Hayes: Total Collapse Imminent!

Nate Cain expressed outrage that RINO Republicans sided with Democrats in refusing to impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. , Jan Halper-Hayes gave her assessment of the current political situation and said the worst is yet […]

Report: Putin Dead!

Report: Putin Dead!

  Is Russian President Vladimir Putin dead? According to a mysterious Russian Telegram channel called “General SVR” and Valery Solovey, a prominent Russian political analyst, the answer is yes. In fact, the Russian president supposedly […]

Lies And More Lies!

Lies And More Lies!

KC Sunshine, Juliette Bryant, Tom Althouse, Shana Richardson, TJ Petri, Tara Crete and Rev Rant discussed the PSYOPS that our government and the media foist on the citizens. Chris O’Leary talked about abuse in the […]