Reports of mysterious drone sightings across the United States are becoming harder to ignore, with experts and officials struggling to explain their purpose. From New Jersey to California, sightings of low-flying drones have stirred public curiosity and official concern. But these drones are on a critical mission—one that’s tied to national security i.e. to seek out gamma rays from a weapon of mass destruction that has entered the United States and is set to go off at any moment. Brooks Agnew, JJ Carrell, Joel Lambert and Lewis Herms all addressed the crisis our nation now faces. The clock is ticking…
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I agree with that teacher. Christmas can be a lovely time with out the fat guy in red. It’s about time we ditched him and brought Jesus back in. We are encouraged to lie to our children and in return THEY lie to us. How many of us has realised that Santa didnt exist but carried on with the pantomime just to appease our parents and get the presents we knew THEY had bought us. THINK ABOUT IT….How wonderful if we exchanged gifts, our children excitedly woke up with gifts and thanked the Parents and remembered Jesus and thanked him and paid our respects! It’s so sad that we seem to promote Halloween more than we do our Saviour. It IS to be taken seriously, In England its rare to get a Nativity scene card, its all and anything BUT. To brush off a teacher for telling the truth……the kids will get over it and if we just told them the TRUTH from the beginning they will still have a wonderful time We cant still included ‘fat crazy guy in red’ just as a comical fantasy nonsense just like the Grinch. Kids need to be shown the wonders of God NOT some LIE to look up to and nigh on adored. This is a huge insult to our Lord to teach our kids to focus on and love something else on such an important day …. Who could possibly think that would be okay? Satans done a good job in watering down and smothering such an important occasion even if we’ve possibly got the date wrong?
I sent that message before i could thank David and Penny for their hard work. Only just joined again as been preoccupied with caring for sick relative 24/7 almost! Wishing you both and all your loved ones around you all the best for the NEW YEAR!