Child Porn To Be Made Almost Legal

Child pornography has been decriminalized in Germany, and pro-pedophilia activists are now pushing to have the age of consent for sex between children and adults to be lowered to 12. Ron Edwards decried the influx of illegal aliens into the United States. Dr. James Fetzer fears that Donald Trump will be assassinated before the election. Melody Jennings discussed summer camps where the LGBTQIA+ agenda will be foisted upon the children. Jill Dahne Levy and her son Jimmy Levy discussed his support for Donald Trump and saving the children from predators.

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  1. DuckDuckGo is broken today and this is the only way to get in to see you. No FireFox browser seeing DuckDuckGo, no chat, and now I also can’t get in to Dark Outpost which I have been a member for several years.

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