Oprah Pimped Young Girls To Diddy

Oprah Winfrey pimped students from her school in Africa to Diddy. Nate Cain highlighted the potential dangers and societal implications of rogue forces within the government targeting electronic devices such as cell phones, emphasizing the need for awareness and change. Β Dr. James Fetzer continued his diatribe against the Israeli attacks on Palestinians in the middle east and the Ukraine’s doomed fight against Russia.

To watch the program, click here:


  1. I had an annoying ex boyfriend who as I’M driving in MY car with HIM as a side passenger….where i would see someone (for example) coming out of a side road, plenty of time, i wasn’t FORCE to slam my brakes on or SLAM THEM ON ANYWAY JUST FOR AFFECT (like some idiots do) wasn’t bothered, he may have been anxious to get going ….. no problem tut tut never mind.
    But OH NO this ‘side seat driver’ would reach over and HIT that horn (remember the old fashioned round ones in the middle of the steering wheel!!!) too easy to get to πŸ€¨πŸ˜„ it was a VW Beetle so the sound wasn’t quite the blast he would have wanted but didn’t stop him!!! He’d even flick my indicator before I’d have time to do it when ‘eventually’ about to turn, FLASH my headlights at other drivers NOT to be courteous but to make a point about something that, again, didn’t bother ME the DRIVER…SWITCH my headlights on off if he thought it was a bit grey!!!! I better stop NOW I’m getting irritated just writing about it after all those years!!! πŸ˜„ (Needless to say the arrogant ‘so n so’πŸ€” had to go!) 😏

  2. Something that would make me smile thinking ‘Been there, glad it’s not me’ and that would be coming to traffic lights, glancing over and seeing a couple in the car adjacent with road map opened fully whilst arguing profusely (probably who’s fault it was!!!) Very rare sight now with satnavs (i wonder if the younger generation could cope with just using a road map to get anywhere as oppose to the satnav) ANOTHER EX (as opposed to the one in the comment above πŸ˜„) when travelling, if I was the passenger, with the MAP and we got lost or missed a turning it was MY FAULT (It was usually HIS fault because i’d give him instructions and HE’D think he knew better so ignore them!) BUT if I was DRIVING and we missed a turning or GOT LOST…..HE’D STILL try and put the blame on ME!!! Too proud to admit he got it wrong!!! I eventually learnt how to spot, avoid and so ‘steer’ well away from ‘hot heads idiots’ after that! 😏

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