Recently discovered video of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaking before the United Nations General Assembly showing a map which seems to indicate that Israel has been planning for a new Middle East without Palestine. If this is true, could this have provoked the attacks by Hamas, and is that what Netanyahu had been planning all along? Maya Simantov gave her assessment of that report as well as her boots-on-the-ground intelligence from Israel. Sam Kukich and Dora Mattucci of Dignity For The Aged discussed elder abuse in nursing homes. Jessica Marrocco is a psychic intuitive who talked about time travel, portals, CERN and the Military Industrial Entertainment Complex. Dr. Lana Kontos presented more evidence of the benefits of liquid glutathione to the body and a new product which helps women who are pre and post-menopausal. Get yours here. Brent Thomas is a paranormal investigator who says that spirits of even the living can occupy a dwelling after a traumatic event.
To watch the live broadcast on Wednesday, November 1st beginning at 9 am Eastern Time, click here: