David and Penny speculated on the timeline of a possible Donald Trump arrest. Christi Tasker revealed that secret commandos with shoot-to-kill orders were at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021, allegedly to protect Donald Trump and Mike Pence, when in fact they were there to kill any and all protesters. Gary Wayne discusses the levels of power within the cabal and how they can be defeated due to infighting among the various factions. Brian Vukadinovich discussed the cases of a corrupt Indiana judge involved in estate cases. Kerry Cassidy talked about vampires and restaurants that serve them blood.
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The late Jim Berkland was for many years a featured guest Art Bell’s “Coast to Coast AM”.
In the book: “The Man Who Predicts Earthquakes”: Jim Berkland, Maverick Geologist–How His Quake Warnings Can Save Lives Paperback – Illustrated, December 15, 2005 by Cal Orey, Berkland’s theories and ideas are discussed.
>>>> He claimed that maybe six (6) months after major rainfalls, certain precarious geologic fault lines become prone to movement. YIKES! The famous San Andreas geologic fault line, he said is especially dangerous because of the geologic composition.
UNDERNEATH the crust and rock lies a vast bed of talc. This is much like a slippery lubricant when flood water recedes and are absorbed by the earth. He says watch-out after flooding–six (6) months later he claimed major earthquake activity is much more likely. (Makes a a lot of sense to me, at least)
What of all of the snow and rain in Southern California? Is this a H.A.A.P. planned weather manipulation of the weather pattern (or finally a removal of this influence) causing flooding in usually arid California?)
From: Wikapedia
“James O. Berkland (July 31, 1930 – July 22, 2016) was an American geologist who controversially claimed to be able to predict earthquakes, including the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake and 1994 Northridge Earthquake and who popularized the idea that some people are earthquake sensitive. He was profiled in a popular 2006 book as The Man Who Predicts Earthquakes. The book includes a chapter that notes “Many of Berkland’s theories–based on tides, moons, disoriented pets, lost cats and dogs, and magnetic field changes–were factors in the great Indian Ocean quake-tsunami disaster on December 26, 2004.”but neither his methods nor his predictions have been published in any scientific journals for peer review. His results have been disputed by peers, with other scientists going so far as calling him a crank and a clown.
Jim Berkland studied geology at the University of California, Berkeley earning the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1958. Thereafter he worked for the United States Geological Survey while pursuing graduate study. In 1964, he took a position at the United States Bureau of Reclamation. After further graduate study, he taught for a year at Appalachian State University, 1972–1973, then returned to California to work as County Geologist for Santa Clara County from 1973 until he retired in 1994.
Something to be aware of. I think of Max Zorin in the 1985 Bond film, “A View to a Kill” when the villain, played by Christopher Walken attempts to cause an earthquake to disrupt the silicon chip industry, then a take over of the industry … said of his devious earthquake plan…..”All attributed to natural causes”.