Is This The Holy Grail?

Is This The Holy Grail?

Vinny Eastwood discussed the draconian government crackdown on COVID protestors in New Zealand. T.A. Powell discusses investigative forensics and true crime. Teresa Tindal first saw a UFO at 10 years old in Tucson, AZ in […]

Was U.S. Behind Kremlin Drone Strike?
Dark Projects

Was U.S. Behind Kremlin Drone Strike?

Rainy Robinson postulated on the transgender agenda. Dr. James Fetzer commented on the fact that no official crimes scene photographs from Sandy Hook have ever been provided. Chris Schlager and Kathrine Sorilos discussed a variety […]

Will AI Be The New Hollywood “Scab”?

Will AI Be The New Hollywood “Scab”?

We provided an update on the Hollywood writers’s strike and the concerns that AI may be the modern version of the “scab”. Paul Willer gave us a brief primer on Nibiru. Dr. Tau Braun indicated […]

Shock Evidence Ties the Russia-Ukraine War To 911!

Shock Evidence Ties the Russia-Ukraine War To 911!

Christi Tasker gave us an update on legislation being introduced in the state of Florida which would amend the law prohibiting the indoctrination of students in sex education involving transgender issue until at least the […]

Chelsea Clinton: “Let Kids Watch Porn!”

Chelsea Clinton: “Let Kids Watch Porn!”

John Carman weighed in on the day’s top news stories. Rebecca Hardy of Texans For Vaccine choice discusses the fight to protect children from deadly vaccines. Meghan Walsh said private adoptions are providing a fast […]